Tuesday, 26 June 2018

 Economy of Gratitude 
Unicuique secundum opera eius
In this paper, we propose a heterarchical management model that is applicable to a society of any size, and allows us significantly optimize any production process, based on the principles of self-organization - it applies especially to a blockchain businesses.
The speed of progress, which has been steadily increasing over the past 100 years, has led humanity into an organizational dead end - our entire management culture has become obsolete - it has come to us since tribal feudalism and, despite democratic modernization, is so incompetent that it strangles our science, business and even entertainment culture - in a crisis there are practically all aspects of our being.
Whether we want it or not, there is a constant, Darwinian competition of cultures on planet Earth, and only those civilizations benefit, which better harmonize with scientific progress and have enough flexibility to introduce better methods of organization.
The new kind of political economic relations, proposed below to your attention, uses the algorithm of heterarchical administration that allows us to significantly accelerate our progress - the economy of gratitude is based on this principle, and in a general sense is a framework - that is, a set of concepts and methods by which it is possible to build monetary and social relations of a new type. This framework can be applied to any social structure that has financial income, even to the whole country, but for simplicity of exposition, we will discuss only a business logic.
Modern economic models mainly operate on "needs", the price of which, according to the market scheme, should strive for the number of hours worked to satisfy it. And hourly wages are our norm - although, in fact, this is a very ineffective form of encouraging an employee.
The point is that any appraisal process - something or someone either - always happens in the scales of human success, and when the valuation is not made in the "money" scale, then the classical political economy simply passes - the very concept of "success", as Aristotle noted, measured in three dimensions, in the form of "power-wealth-glory" - we did not invent any other "success".
Money is a universal tool of value - in modern economic models created by the amount of credit in the society, but people do not have such securities that could measure Glory and Power, which forces us to use the administrative hierarchical economy, and it’s probably the worse for a scientific progress.
The value of a specialist is difficult to meter by money - for example, how do we measure the role of Einstein in science? This is impossible because there are no such securities, and there is no way of this assessment. After all, money is printed in the form of a loan for material costs, and the role of this scientist is assessed in a completely different space that we do not know how to measure. We don’t have, to start from, any securities for a digitization of such relations.
How are you evaluated at the modern office?  In the hierarchy of positions, that we inherited from the times of the kings and the inquisition, you are simply appointed - this is the most dump and corrupt way of organization - it happens that you outgrow your position a couple of months after starting work, and then you simply lose your time, spending your abilities for nothing . And this is everywhere, in the west,  in the east.
This way the destinies are destroyed, talents are ruined, progress is stagnated and the creativity of millions is died on the vine. If we find a managerial way of releasing this creative energy, then such a society would receive colossal advantages in the Darwinian competition of cultures.
In general, the modern economy of positions and roles is terribly reminiscent of the kingdom pyramid, where the king-president distributes the top roles for choosen favorites - in fact, we are still in royal system, only in the elective one. And in business, the tradition is essentially the same - someone starts a company and grabs a controlling stake, keeping it like a territory, during whole her life, under the justification "it was my idea and money."
In fact, this is so, but it is counterproductive - today you are right, tomorrow there is no - anything can happen. In the absence of real competition, even the most intelligent person stagnates and slowly degrades. That is, the very strategy of life, which is achieved by fixing its controlling interest, is deeply flawed by its inefficiency, and survives only because it has no competitors.
In addition, the modern way of production is mired in formalism - we have written hundreds of volumes of laws, half of which become obsolete at the time of writing. Such an endless formalism is a perfect necessity for us, since we live in an era of complete separation of our interests, called the segregated paradigm - our morals reflect the rigid and dead essence of official relations between people. (And on the dead corpses are orgie of the vulture lawyers)
Meanwhile, powerful and popular people, in addition to the rich, somehow or other, find ways to influence any group or production process anyway, but without measuring this influence, the society generates all kinds of conspiracy theories, since this influence is often corrupt. Well, for example, the boss's wife can have a lot of power in the enterprise, but legally and economically this is not reflected in our life, for the simple reason that humanity has not yet learned to measure Power and Glory.
(It is worth noting that, for religious or humanistic reasons, many people today also object to the digitization of human relations - just as when, long ago, there were a lot of superstitions about the dangers of recounting, causing "spoiling", etc. Unfortunately, beautiful mythology Christian humanism about the holiness of human feelings is a typical religious obscurantism.)
To eliminate these shortcomings, and for many other reasons, a new paradigm of interrelations between people is proposed, which is conditionally called the "economy of gratitude", abbreviated as "EGra".
1. The general idea
 Informatics experts know that there are two main ways of building information systems - the "push" and "pull" types. Pull (literally meaning "pull from above") is a pyramidal system where changes occur from the top down, for example, "the road is repaired towards the arrival of the president" - that is, the initiative belongs to the elite. Push (“pushing from below”) is heterarchical system, the event takes place on the spot, and the information spreads upwards - "neighbors repaired the road by themselves and billed the president".
The main property of Pull systems, which people use very often, is the infinite assignment of roles and posts in the hierarchy. These roles are invented for ease of management and savings -  president,secretary, boss,analyst - each of these words stands for a position in the hierarchy, a behavioral pattern of a specific generic role. Such role division helps to survive in conditions when a rigid division of labor is required to save resources - the patriarchy is a Pull organization.
"Push" system does not know who exactly repairs the road, who sponsors the project, who organizes and motivates the work - because the residents do it themselves - therefore can not use the prescribed roles - moreover, if someone from the volunteers starts saying that "everyone must do his job, "then no independent work will fail - because for the repair of the road really needs resources, specialization, motivation, and each system of the organization disposes of them in its own way, and for push the system of clear distinction of roles is not necessary - residents will understand, in the process of repair, who is what for.
But how to organize a push system for people, how to formalize the “who is what for”?
People start to build good relationships when they need it and it is profitable. You can be rude to someone who stepped on your foot in the subway, but you will not do it if the one who harmed your leg, is your boss at work - for example. Because you depend on the manager, you will not spoil the relations because of the little things.
But such dominant relations of patriarchy are not always necessary - one of the forms of heterarchical dependencies is mutual evaluation, that is, one can give people the opportunity to evaluate each other - then you will depend on the opinions of others, and they will be on you. And again you will not be rude at work - it's not profitable.
In order to properly manage ourselves, we do not need a formalization of what exactly and how we should do, instead we can formalize the mutual evaluation of each other, in the process of making anything.
Such evaluation is not an easy thing, because there are quite a lot of social situations in life - you can be valued at the factory for how you can wave a hammer, and in the office you are loved for being funny - and so on, the number of different discourses of our civilization can be big, and each of them has its own scale of success.
How can we evaluate each other?
Analysis of scoring scales, in different circumstances, all in all, reduces all situations to the old formula "power, money and glory." The office people love you, others might respect you - but the amount of love, money and respect is unerringly estimated any discourse of our life.  Universal love is glory. Universal respect is power. A lot of money is wealth.
Real authority of one person over another is manifested primarily in the form of a sense of respect [we listen to those whom we respect], and all other types of power are achieved by violence. At the same time, the notion of "glory" [popularity], if cleared of the elements of the negativity, also easily comes down to the measure of love that some people, for whatever reasons, experience to others.
We can calculate material resources with money - we created this paper abstraction to measure material goods, but we can not measure Love and Respect - although the subconscious of any person calculates the "weights" of others perfectly accurately and sends us signals in the form of feelings. And strangely enough, it's fairly easy to digitize - despite possible doubts from believers in "holiness of feelings". We do not even need to know what is "love" or "respect" - we just admit that it exists and is subject to measurement.
It is known that for the production of any product is necessary and sufficient to have a certain measure of specialization, motivation, and money for material costs . Following this principle, in order to correctly take into account all the dimensions of success, two more types of special money (securities) are needed, which should be distributed to everyone, so that everyone has the opportunity to thank others, expressing to them love and respect in the form of transferring these electronic currencies .
That is, in the old economy you worked for money, and in EGra - for gratitude, which you will be given in a special way - skipping ahead a bit, one can say that these gratitudes will increase your shareholder's weight and your profit will increase.
It might seem to be a very simple idea - to digitize the gratitudes, counting them in the shareholder weight, but in fact it completely changes the paradigm of production and relationships. How this can be technically implemented and what advantages it will give, is revealed in the subsequent chapters describing an example of a specific shareholding methods for accounting and management of an enterprise without posts.
But EGra is a conceptual framework, and the implementation of its principles in various cultural environments can be different, since not all the laws of the countries of the world support the freedom of issuing bonds. The creators of a particular business (or other social structure) can use this example as a standard, comparing their architectural embodiment of corporatization to its main theses - what exactly is achieved, for what, and whether it works in your model.
2. Securities
For the proper functioning of EGra, all significant workers must become its shareholders. And just like an ordinary joint-stock company, such a business makes decisions by voting shares - who have more of total weight, such a decision is accepted.
But unlike the usual joint-stock company, the voting weight of a shareholder EGra depends not only on the number of direct, monetary investments, but also on the special securities of "love and respect" that others gave her (to give to yourself is forbidden) and every measurement of success is given exactly third of weight:
weight of one shareholder =% share of capital +% share of "respect" +% share of "love"
(this is a simplified form of recording, without taking into account the exchange rate of securities, but more on this later)
The basis for the construction of EGra is the principle of the strictest correspondence of securities cycles, to the processes in real life that they reflect. The fact is that in the economy of patriarchy, shares and bonds are different securities because business owners and hired personnel are separate entities with different interests - shares are needed by owners to divide stakes and power, and bonds are a way of borrowing money for the enterprise itself.
In EGra, workers are a formal owner of an enterprise and working staff at the same time - and naturally interested in raising capital for a share in profits. Therefore EGra issues bonds, which give the right to this share, combining the functionality of ordinary shares and bonds. (More on this security - a little later)
In addition to the company's bonds (which, as usual, one needs to buy to increase voting weight), the EGra protocol requires issuing the same amount of "power bonds" and "bonds of glory" - these are individual securities that are created automatically when issuing conventional bonds - they are measured in units of "respect" and "like" respectively, where the first measures “respect”, and the second -  “love”.
These securities are used to thank everyone for the work - if you like anything, then the "like" is used, and if you respect the work expended - it is probably worth using the "respect" currency - at your discretion. The gratitude is credited to a special weight account whose owner does not have access to it - this is a special account for calculating your weight in the dimensions of love and respect. The financial transaction of "thanksgiving" can not be canceled - since the real gratitude itself is an informational phenomenon, therefore financial papers reflecting it should behave the same way.
In EGra there is no hired labor and no payment in money is required  - a measure of gratitude of the team members for your work increases your weight, and hence your profit.So EGra’s "salary increase" occurs automatically, you are not tied to a post, nor to any specific duties - but others should appreciate you literally in order to have a decent profit - how you do it, it's up to you.
Each shareholder of the firm, in addition to the usual one, has two additional electronic accounts - a thankful and a weighted one. When creating new bonds, for any reason, the buyer receives only them, and the created additional electronic securities ("like and respect") come to the thankful accounts of all shareholders in proportion to their weights in the respective measurements - then the shareholder can sell / exchange these securities, or transfer them to the weight accounts of who she's chosen - but the recipient and the owner of the weighted account does not have access to it - in fact, this access is read only, so to credit gratitude to yourself is impossible.
With thankful account, a shareholder can exchange securities on the exchange, invest projects, transfer to weight accounts of other people, but there is no possibility to take this money for yourself.
When the gratitude comes to the weight account - this security is actually written off, withdrawn from circulation.
Thus, the life cycle of "gratitude papers" is very similar to the money cycle - when you take a monetary loan - at first you are created the money, but then they slowly disappear from circulation as the loan returns. In EGra, "like" and "respect" papers will also slowly settle on weight accounts until everyone leaves the system.
On these weight accounts, the amounts of "respect" and "like", that people give each other, are collected - the EGra algorithm itself requires internal publicity of weight and thankful accounts - which means that all transactions are visible to surrounding shareholders, and if you are suspected of fraud, it might upset your expectations for gratitude  - meaning that reputation is your capital in the literal sense. Self-control of process integrity is a very strong feature of EGra - everyone is vitally interested in transparency of the game, which means that one controls the space around oneself, creating an ideal business environment where the "distance from the owner" tends to zero.
2. The algorithm
In the old economy, when you sell your work, its price is negotiated by you when you are hired and in fact you know what you will get. EGra enterprises do not have a salary - the entire salary fund should be distributed as a profit, according to the three-dimensional weight of each shareholder, and any decision is taken by the same weight. Also there are no posts and formal subordination - you are appreciated and thanked by everyone, and you make up your mind about whoever is working with you, redistributing like and respect to those who deserve your gratitude.
[Formally, w (a) = respect (a) + like (a) + bond (a), where each function is the percentage (without taking into account the securities rate). For the sake of clarity, with the arrival of new people, this figure is better be multiplied by the number of shareholders - the real weight is more clearly perceived this way]

(It may seem that the rate of return per unit of capital investment in EGra is less than in an ordinary joint-stock company, since profits go to those who did not invest capital (to liked and respected) - but the thing is in the size of a "wage fund". In the modern world it is about 45% of income, but in EGra, within the measurements of respect and love, 66.6% are distributed, so one might say, in EGra, "working class" receives more money, but as a result EGra will give an increase in efficiency much greater than 21% , so even the rate of return on anonymous investment will always be higher than the usual AO - and after all, each shareholder is an investor, and therefore part of what is distributed according to "respect and love" will be immediately re-invested).
The distribution of profit by three-dimensional weight, and not by measurement of wealth, is due to the principle of production - not only money, but also various talents of "hired" personnel were used to create the profit, whose in modern world are "compensated" by the payroll, because one can not measure these talents. Covering the success ratios of humanity, EGra precisely determines who is worthy - therefore, the wage fund is not needed, but the capitalist will have to "squeeze" ones share a little - on average 21% of the income. (These 21% create what Karl Marx described in his book "Capital")

In EGra there are no posts, and between 3 shareholders, the most weighty should not occupy any "official position", and even three, they must make a decision by the amounts of weights. This simple principle allows you to organically organize a subordination - if you have a small weight, then it is better not to climb into controversial issues.
But on the other hand, even if you are a "weighty" shareholder, it is not profitable for you to spoil relations with anyone either, because you want to receive gratitude from them - so you will hardly be shouting or portraying the boss. That is, the system itself encourages you to behave in the best way - without making up long rules, norms and positions.
Let everything be decided in the process of relations in the team - and EGra will only measure these relations and on the basis of this, move up those who are better.

And in fact, such an approach is a qualitative leap in management theory - the measurement of relations during a mutual evaluation, allows you to get rid of "bosses and subordinates" in general. Therefore EGra is compatible with absolutely any type of workers and culture - enterprises of this kind will work perfectly in any country of the world, (or rather, where it is allowed to do so).
But in EGra will not succeed those who know how to advertise themselves and "get into the project", and those who are inferior, acting nobly - this is how the reputation develops, and the system rewards people with better reputation  - that is, yielding, you winning. In general, one can say that a hassle will not occur - and if it does at beginning, the aggressive people will not last long in the team.
Lack of posts means that if you took a responsibility, then you can not tell others "this is my piece of work" - this approach is fundamentally wrong, such formalization is needed only in the official,old economy - for a reporting to the management and cutting off the responsibility for not "your" part of the case.
In EGra, you do not need these borders, since you do not report to the management - you are assessed by those who work with you on a daily basis - they know what is done, by whom and how. Therefore, the principle of separation of "my and yours" immediately ends and the collective becomes united in its goal to achieve a result.
The repeated duplication of all by all and the blurring of boundaries of "my work" effectively unites the group, completely changes the nature of relations in production from bureaucratization to real efficiency and true friendship of employees. And not the hostile formalism and officialdom that flourish today in both the west and the east. Helping each other becomes profitable - EGra elevates altruism.
In order to start a project, you must first obtain its financing in all dimensions - since each employee is a shareholder and an appraiser, then the distribution of any investments between the projects is also made by the team from "thankful" accounts.

Since your work can be evaluated mainly by those who participate in the project with you, the majority of "gratitude" is first distributed in the form of investments between the projects, then it will then be credited to the accounts of the project participants, and to nobody else.
(If the project is too large for all participants to understand what others are doing, one can do another split of investments - the project is divided into segments where each site has its own "thankful" budget. In principle, you can change the names, substituting "project and segment" with your structural components - but there should not be permanent, isolated groups of less than 6 people - this is the boundaries of the evaluation circle).

Just as the hierarchical control system, increasing itself, become bureaucratic, broken from within by the difference of interests of the participants in the social process, the heterarchy EGra, being the opposite of the hierarchy, increasing, will strengthen the core of mentally close people - who like each other and operate organically.
It is interesting that everyone will know who treats whom and how - it's a different culture of relations and this is much better than squabbles and rumors - the environment itself will automatically get rid of gossips and scoundrels.
The most important principle of internal harmony of EGra team is the freedom of the will during "thanksgiving". If the voter, somehow, someone blackmailed to do "gratitude", then this estimate is given incorrectly - this is real corruption and racketeering, with which every interested shareholder must lead a merciless war.
The outrageous should be considered any negative clarification of the relationships about from who, to whom, and how many gratitude one has given - this is contrary to the principle of free will during the thanksgiving - negative gratitude for such behavior is quite acceptable.

3. General properties of the system
Perhaps the main criterion of EGra, determining strategically the development of the team, is competition for approval, creating a new environment in which:
- it is extremely beneficial to have good relations with all and very expensive to be in a conflict
- constant self evaluation of the team promotes talented folks (positive selection)
- monetary gratitude and the possibility of negative gratitude create a sufficient tool for  controlling all over everyone, that is, complete self-control of the enterprise in a clear and understandable subordination.
-  power is actually transferred to the team
- rapid negative selection of negative characters
- quality decision-making as a result of the automatic "emergence" of talented
- self-cleaning from the influence of corrupt, external interests
- built-in protection against various types of attacks
- optimization of business processes is based on an initiative from within
First, we will analyze the possible threats.

Let's say your company buys an investor, investing a billion. For a normal enterprise, this situation is a disaster - a new owner comes in, who can personally fire you. For EGra, everything is the opposite. The new billion will allow the issuance of another 2 billion additional securities, which will fall on everyone's gratuity accounts, and the real distribution of profit and power will change quite a bit. This is a good defense against hostile buying and manipulation.
Weight accounts and all transactions of each shareholder in the dimensions of love and respect are public, that is, each shareholder can see it. Therefore, any fraud with securities, and it is not difficult to notice, will lead to the condemnation of coworkers - and this is very bad for the prospects of your weight - after all, you can also get a negative weight.

The system is built in such a way that it is personally advantageous for you to notice and neutralize the fraudster, and to commit the very "crime" is simply stupid - your main wealth in EGra is your reputation, it is absolutely not worth risking it for the sake of immediate benefits.
The relations of "gratitude" will create in the team harmonious groups of influence - compatible people who support each other, exchanging gratitude, setting some traditions and informal social contracts for the exchange of "like and respect" - this is how the conservative core emerges inside the enterprise system ,creating conditions for optimizing the business process with imminent qualitative acceleration.
Any scoundrels, machinators will be fired as soon as someone notice the fraud - and no special procedures are needed - for this, EGra has a threshold control.
5. Social price and threshold management
The very concept of "threshold" is the number with which your weight should equalize for something to happen - for example, to become a member of an active team, and not an anonymous investor, you have to overcome the "entry threshold". Conversely, if the measurements of "love" or "respect" equaled the digital "exit threshold," the shareholder becomes anonymous and can not take part in the activities of the enterprise. That is, working shareholders always have the opportunity to fire someone - this is the full and direct power of the team, even if the shareholder is "weighty" in measuring wealth. In EGra "dismissing"  is possible even for a billionaire, and the founder of the company - if you have enough weight.
(Thresholds can be set for any weight dimension, for any reason, but behind any threshold stands the weight of shareholders who voted for its installation - if someone has more weight, the threshold can be canceled or replaced. In fact, the "threshold" is just a special decision of shareholders.)
At the enterprise can not work someone who is not liked or not respected  - if any of these dimensions fall to the "exit threshold" - such a person must leave.
The hiring of staff is essentially the same - as soon as the 3D weight of the shareholder, for whatever reasons, reached all the digital entry thresholds for the relevant measurements, the one must be accepted into the work team. And these numbers are assigned by the method of social price, which allows you to set these thresholds, taking into account different opinions of shareholders, by weight.
Social price is the estimated value when each interested shareholder sends his assessment (the choice is limited to the minimum and maximum limits + 100%), and the final result is added as the arithmetic mean of these estimates, taken into account by three-dimensional weight:
Price =  Σ W(n)*P(n)/ Σ W(n)

For example, if 3 shareholders with weights 100, 200, 1000 estimated the value of something as 10,15,17, then the resulting price will be 16.15, indicating that the opinion of the "heavy" participant actually determines this estimate.
10 * 100 + 15 * 200 + 17 * 1000
---------------------------------------- = (1000 + 3000 + 17000) / 1300 = 16.15
100 + 200 + 1000
The new minimum and maximum values will be from 0 to 32.30.

All parameters of the EGra system, including the entry thresholds, are set by the social price method, which ensures dynamic control - EGra does not need any standards at all - any disputable issue is solved by setting the threshold. Well, for example, who gets a paid car from the company? One can establish the threshold of "car" - once your weight has reached this figure, then you will have a vehicle at the expense of the enterprise - simply and fair. The same can be done for "paying maternity leave" or other social benefits.

(In case of cars shortage, the "threshold" will grow because, as soon as you do not get a car, since someone else took it, you yourself will vote for the increase in the threshold - using the social price method.)
The area of ​​possible application of the "social price threshold" is very large - all the controversial issues that require dynamic management are best solved through a threshold system - to whom, what to allow or prohibit. Thus, weighty figures, who mostly make decisions, have access to the necessary resources, which are not enough for everyone. It is very important to apply a threshold system to create a reliable security system in your enterprise - this is when the access to certain data begins at a certain threshold, and there can be many such thresholds, depending on the number of access levels.
The threshold system can be expanded in any direction - for example, it is highly recommended to set the "upper entry threshold" - usually the candidate must reach the (lower) entry thresholds in all dimensions in order to become a member of the working team. The upper threshold allows to accept folks with exceptionally high score in one of dimensions - very rich, popular or respected people (if the remaining weight measurements are above thresholds of exit) - and is usually installed per one dimension.
Also, when somebody thanking you, they can attach some kind of specialization tag to this  gratitude - both for "like" and "respect" -  noting your scientific and organizational work in the field of chemistry, for example. If from the weight of all your gratuities, one select those who thanked you for the chemistry, then we can count your "chemical gratitude" - this is called aspecialized weight and this is a very useful thing.

By placing thresholds on the specialized weights you need, one can easily replace the entire bureaucratic system of certification and licensing - for example, admissions to the management of heavy and dangerous equipment or sufficient preparedness for flight into the space - it is better and much more reliable to implement as thresholds with complex conditions, a modern system of accounting for professional fitness is simply not good at all, regressing because of bureaucracy and formalism.
In fact, in EGra, specialized weight is your resume, absolutely accurately showing your experience and achievements in different fields of mastery.  (and if you translate to EGra an education system, then instead of Ph.D. degree it is easy to determine the "doctor's threshold" for any branch of knowledge)
6. Decision-making
Numerous attempts to give power to shareholders in the business process that have been undertaken over the past 100 years have never come to an end well - the most important problem is the discordant arguing during decision-making. Shareholders do not actually depend on each other, and the discussions take the form of skirmishes.
In EGra, this organizational difficulty has been successfully overcome through the dependence of "all from all" - if you object from scratch, argue for nonsense, then you will not gain serious weight - you will irritate others, which means your weight is reduced. This immediately cools the heat of passion to the level of normal conversation.
For EGra, it is not so much important the number of shareholders who made the decision, but amount of their total voting weight, meaning that "any decision can be reversed by the large weight of the voters". And since you depend on the opinions of others, then you will think many times before changing anything.
In order to be able to refer to the shareholders' decision, it must be recorded, that is, to go through a weighted voting process - in EGra this is not a free procedure - the price of the voting initiative is determined by the method of social price - and the initiators pay this price from their own pocket.
(Thus, information noise is cut off - the higher this noise, the more expensive the fixation price of the decision is)
The same price is paid by all who want to create a new project - this amount might be called "price of initiative" and apply it at any meeting, in case of danger of meaningless chatter or self advertising pseudo activity .
6. The rate of EGra securities
In the modern world, competition for the chief positions induces people to the most vile and low forms of behavior, flowing with envy, anger, lies, which eventually generates formalism, bureaucracy and stagnation of any business - in science and in business. But how to manage property and yourself without superiors? How not to fight for success, but to compete?
By the way of thanking each other and taking into account these gratitudes in the business process in a three-dimensional way - this creates a profit of goodness, as it encourages altruism, which people like very much.

(All office gossipers, envious persons, scammers, all those who promote negative to others, EGra sifts out sooner or later, but inevitably and unmistakably - in a hierarchical cruel world, many "go through the corpses" for the sake of careers and money simply because the system itself requires them to do this, but this does not mean that it is impossible to create something new that requires the opposite - altruism.)
The basis of EGra is the principle of equality of measurement of success, so for every ordinary share is printed the same amount of "love" and as much "respect." But this does not mean that the rates of these securities are the same - quite the opposite - with the help of the rate of exchange in EGra, the importance of these or other needs is itself regulated. For example, if the "like" rate is lower than "respect", it means that business needs motivating leaders, low "respect" means a shortage of specialists, and if the rates of these two "extra currencies" are low, then the system needs money - but these are only examples thousands of possible reasons for the different rate of exchange for these securities.

Moreover - the real weight is calculated taking into account the courses of "love and respect" in relation to money. That is, the shareholder's weight =% money + rateL *% love + rateR *% respect, where rateL is the rate of love for money, which ideally should be equal to 1, and rateR is the same figure, only for measuring respect. And using these rates of exchange the system gives power to those who need it.
When the rate of love and respect papers fall, the voting power will shift to the side of "rich" shareholders automatically - if businesses badly need money, it is natural that the "rich" will make better decisions at the moment. And this, in fact, is a great achievement - the automatic shift of management to those,  in whom the enterprise needs at the moment - and to the extent necessary, no more and no less.
Just like on a modern stock exchange, where setting a share price is a process that distributes investments between the most promising firms, EGra, depending on the rate exchange, gives real power to those who need it - dynamically. This is a good advantage compared to the modern hierarchical-bureaucratic business system - EGra optimizes its solutions through the flexibility and ease of authority flow in the elite.
(In democratic countries, the transfer of power takes place every 4 years, but the very formulation of the question in hierarchical systems is always the same - what is the point of rushing to power, if then not to use it? Why the hell, politicians invest millions in their election - probably they know how to convert the power of the president to cover these costs? It is impossible to believe in the disinterestedness of these people - the electoral hierarchy in which we live is inherently corrupt - this corruption is laid in the very foundation of the pyramidal construct of society - if you do not use the power for yourself, then why do you need it?)
In EGra, the control transfer is automatic. For example, we will analyze the situation when the weight in the enterprise concentrated around people , whose projects have noble goals, but from the business point of view these goals are not very profitable - well, let's say they spend a lot of money and time on the charity project "shelter for dogs."
Since EGra operates with all the scales of human success, it may turn out that the craving for excessive charity comes from the "liked" members of the team (those who have "like" number above the other dimensions in the 3D structure of shareholder weight), and "rich" and "respected" refer to charity is more soberly. The situation when "loved ones exceeded their authority" is possible, if the rate of "like" is higher than the "respect" - this makes their voting weights heavier.
 As soon as the "respected" and the "rich" feel "this is too much", then instead of thanking the "loved ones", they will begin to sell "like" on the exchange and reduce its rate - this way the system will struggle for balance.

(It is interesting that an excessive fascination with any idea always occurs in groups of people whose weight by one dimension of success is much higher than other dimensions - for clarity, let's imagine the weight structure of a newly adopted young girl - she is being liked by many coworkers, but dimensions of "respect" and "wealth" are likely low. It is a typical picture of a one-dimensional structure of weight - someone is young and handsome, someone is rich, somebody is smart. (There are also those who have all the dimensions of success approximately similar - they are synthetics, people who combine many talents. About them - a little bit later))
But since any idea is measured in the scales of human success, EGra easily digitizes the degree of enthusiasm for this idea, (because each of us knows only his own recipes and tries to pedal them), and gives to opposition the digital methods of struggle - and this is a huge achievement in comparison with modern office wars and political squabbles.
The bottom line is, the difference in the exchange rate of three securities always shows that the system is correcting the direction of development. And the equality of prices means that the business is moving in the right direction in harmony.
Therefore, like any other system, EGra needs to be monitored collectively - if the exchange rate has changed dramatically, it could be a sign that hackers have hacked some part of the network and resell the stolen goods in the market. Or, perhaps, some other similar reason - so this is the business of each shareholder - to understand why the course is changing.
When we organize competitions on all the dimensions of success and monetize these competitions, a dynamic selection is created with the exact account of the achievements of each in anything - we have new securities for it - they are not difficult to create at all, they are just figures that bring us a qualitatively different the level of people's interaction - after all, the most important thing is that EGra is very fair, since real justice is when you are evaluated in all dimensions of success, not just in money.
8. Weight deflation
Bond EGra should allow shareholders to "put" their investment capital, purchasing the profit of the enterprise, in those periods of time that one need. If you invest in a startup - there is no point in "putting on profit" in the first years of business life - there will be very little profit. Therefore, all the "buying power" should be placed in the last years of the bond. (But then your voting weight on the measurement of wealth will behave accordingly.)
A question may arise, how in general is the voting weight of a monetary bond distributed over time? The fact is that the bond must be paid at the maturity date, so EGra must postpone some money, by some algorithm, that for the specified date to accumulate this amount (or somehow else). And since the system is forced to reserve these investments with a high degree of reliability and can not invest in production, this capital is considered "frozen", so the weight for this amount is not accrued and the profit too.
The number of voting weight in bonds is calculated not only by the amount of the investment, but also by the duration , meaning the weight in the dimention of wealth is defined as the daily amount of the presence of your capital in the system - by the formula weight = the sum of the voting weights of all your bonds, where the weight for one bond is the time to the maturity date in days multiplied by the invested capital and divided by two. (the division into two reflects the problem of "frozen capital")
If one further develop the functionality of the EGra monetary bond, then you should enter the option "auto shift of the date forward", where the cost of the shift will be equal to the price of this bond, divided by the period of writing off the weight in days. In this case, it is theoretically possible that the daily profit on the bond, for a certain period, will be less than the cost of the shift - meaning the specified option of "auto shift" can have a negative profitability, so it is worth to use only for long securities.
Let's calculate the voting weight of two bonds - $100,000 for 3 years and $10,000 for 30 years - it turns out that these papers have the same weight of 150,000 and they will give the same % of profit - EGra encourages a long-term investment, not resale. But the cost of "auto shift" for these papers will be very different - about $100 in the first case and about $1 in the second.
(For example, you place one million for 5 years, knowing for sure that you will not profit in the first two years, so you tell the system that you put all your interest on the last two years of the bond's life - but in this case, the "auto shift" option is not available. For the "founding fathers" of business, when money is difficult to find, during initial placement, it is worth investing for 30 years with an auto shift - then, when the profit appears, the team can re-place a series of bonds, but hardly the price of interest will be the same - most likely, a successful team "take from themselves ", for example 10% and prints bonds to them, amounting to more than the initial public offering - where the maximum and the minimum term of the bond should be adjustable by method of "social price").
In addition to the threshold numbers that are set for weight, EGra has one more element - indicators - the so-called numerical values ​​calculated by the system to adjust itself. And one of these "indicators" is the period for writing off gratitude. The fact is that in real life, Love and Respect slowly fade away over the years, as well as any material resources that have a depreciation period. And hence the values ​​of the weights from these measurements should decrease evenly. The speed of this decrease reflects the "write off period" - this is the number of years for which any gratitude fades.
Why to do this?
The accumulation of weight in time by all participants of the enterprise makes it difficult for newcomers to somehow compete with the old-timers, and this reduces the attractiveness of the business for new shareholders - besides, the algorithms of securities are created to reflect reality, and not vice versa, therefore any transaction of gratitude must have a lifetime equal to the indicator "write off period", reducing its weight significance in time in proportion to the current state of this indicator.
For example, if you were thanked 3 years ago, and the "write-off period" was always 6, then at the present moment the weight of this gratitude decreased by 50%.
But who sets this period?
Here in EGra a special relationship between the exchange rates of securities and the rate of "aging" of weight is realized - the lower the price of exchange of one or another securities relative to each other, the shorter the lifespan of the elite that "fell in price". This dependence is in fact a feedback, reinforcing both positive and negative consequences of the price jumps, accelerating the "aging of weight" in the losing dimensions and prolonging the "life" of the winning elite. (That's why it's profitable to be a synthetic - the fluctuations of the rates for the total weight are not so important, since they fluctuate relative to each other)
It is proposed to implement this in the following way: each EGra bond has its own maturity and its weight - which means that it is easy to calculate the average repayment date of all bonds accounted for by the weight of the bond (as for the social price) - the amount of time between the present moment and this date and will be the average write-off period.
Now, in order to obtain a period of writing-off of gratitude in each dimension of success, we must multiply this averaged period by the deviations of the rate. For example, if the price of "like" is lower than "respect" by 30%, then the whole dimension of "love" is "aging" 30% faster  (the average period is multiplied by 0.7).
If the securities of gratitude are on the market, instead of being used for their intended purpose, it means that there is no one to thank and business is slow, meaning that the balance of forces in the decision-making process must be changed. And vice versa - the winners are asked to prolong their success. (Therefore, when you reduce the maximum bond period below 30 years, for example, it is worth remembering that this will reduce the write-off period for your gratitudes.)
9. Inflation of weight
The securities of "like" and "respect", shareholders, in general, will be crediting to each other, no matter how many they are printed, since their release does not inflate the money, but digital social status, so for one bond can be produced more than one "respect" and "like", if this is required by the situation - in general, the number of produced "weight" currencies per unit of real money can be regulated by a special number called the weight coefficient.
For example, when EGra or some part of it is in a crisis or in a military situation, then increasing the weight factor, for example, up to 2, the system can make it very profitable to work or invest in this area - this is a direct and effective way of promotion, because for every dollar invested you will get double the amount of relying % of profit, and in such a group, everyone will have 2 times more gratuities.
 However, nothing is free, as the bonds must be paid, and an undeservedly inflated weight in society can accumulate around those who have not earned it too much. Therefore,  increase or decrease of the weight coefficient should be done by the method of social price, letting shareholders themselves to determine for which group to give privileges and what for. A vivid example of this state of crisis is the start of your business in EGra, when a need for  money and associates is critical - the weight coefficient can be high until the difficulties of the initial organization run out - birth is always a stressful situation.
10. Culture of relations
In general, the culture of relations in any society develops on its own, according to the ideas of its constituent people, and only then it is enshrined as a tradition. But it is necessary to designate the internal properties of the proposed system in order to understand which traditions will survive and which will not.
The thing is that the EGra system "does not like" the negativity of any kind, for example, the prohibitions and restrictions will always harm relationships. Even threshold security is a risky enough thing - it can lower your popularity - because the one who is deprived of access will simply envy. Any privilege, any, even forced, need of separating oneself from the collective is extremely dangerous for the prospects of the weight of the allocated - therefore the above example of the "car threshold" should be used only as a last resort.
There are no bosses or subordinates in EGra, but there is a notion of "responsibility", which is conditionally distributed in three dimensions:
 - responsibility for management is distributed according to the measurement of love. This means that the most "favorite" shareholders of those present in the project have the highest responsibility for management and should try to be leading, motivating the movement - they are usually trusted to spend funds and organize work (like the executive branch of power).
responsibility for compliance with common decisions (charters, standards, laws, plans, etc.) is distributed according to the measurement of wealth - the richest of those present are most responsible for the order and observance of all existing decisions of shareholders (like the judiciary).
responsibility for the quality of the content of any decisions made and embodied ideas is distributed according to the measurement of respect. The most respected of those present are responsible for the scientific and common sense of the content and any events in the team. (Like the Legislature)
(in the comments used "as power" because the real power has special rights to do anything, and responsibility in EGra does not give any rights, and is assigned to different dimensions very conditionally - because it coincides with the logic of management)
The very concept of "responsibility" is not formal , meaning that team expects that you , by yourself, will take on some important areas of work or active organizational activity, and before thanking you, they will probably compare reality with these expectations.
However, not only the responsibilities should drive your business -  the establishment of some decisions and traditions, their observance by all, are absolutely necessary for the optimization of any social process, and usually it is in the interests, first of all, of the "rich". The fact is that proven and profitable schemes of life are often much better than risky initiatives - and the rich are very interested in using these recipes - it may well happen that, being in the minority by weight, the shareholder insists on adhering to the decision, weighting status of whose is higher than the weight of the majority of those present - and this is correct, since until the "law" has been overwritten by a more tangible decision, shareholders are obliged to follow it - this is their decision. (Such formalization is a hidden form of judicial power)
But the creation of the solution itself is usually done using measurement of "respect" - they are specialists in their field - only specialists generate ideas and embody them, and therefore they are responsible for the ideas and quality of these decisions.
Let's briefly analyze the employment.
Usually, the entry thresholds are set for each dimension - in other words, you can go through if your weight reaches each of the thresholds in the corresponding dimension.
While the enterprise does not need new people, the "heavyweights" will keep these entry thresholds very high - but as soon as somebody is needed, they will start lowering the "thresholds".
This gives tremendous freedom of action in any direction, with simultaneous control of others. And the ethic of actions is simple and open - do you want to hire your friend, a programmer? If you have enough gratitudes, then you can raise her "respect" and "love" to the entrance thresholds - but remember that your friend's weight account is public, that is, everyone will understand that he is actually your protege, since a large transaction from you has opened the entrance for her.
In EGra, you strongly depend on everyone else, and such individualistic behavior is very risky. It is much more effective to create an information campaign around your friend - the more people will give her "respect", and the less your gratitude will stand out against their background - the better for you personally.
The same with dismissal - theoretically speaking, you can, by collecting a heap of respect or love, to fire someone you hate today for something by enrolling your electronic papers as negative. But after all, anyone who does not agree with this, may credit to this person positive "thanks" - which makes it immediately clear that dismissal is a collective procedure - and in another way, really no one can be fired.
Therefore, the "natural" EGra's dismissal is a general reaction to some event - when someone's sins so exceeded the merit, that the idea of ​​dismissal arose and if the majority supported it, then many will "reward" the securities for this person in a negative way and, upon reaching the threshold, the system should automatically close the access for the "dismissed"  - virtual and physical.
(It is worth noting that the transfer of weight in the negative way is the most unwanted and dangerous form of influence on each other in EGra)
The methods of gratitude distribution also have a different internal meaning:
- the gratitude shared between all the participants of the project equally, in EGra is considered a recognition of defeat and an appreciation for the attempt. Since responsibility is distributed by weight, then, in case of success, a gratitude should also be divided by weight - equality of gratitude reduces the difference of weights between shareholders and shows that you consider the results to be unsatisfactory (equalization smooths the difference in weights and facilitates the search for a new solution)
- the thanksgiving divided by weight in EGra is considered an excellent assessment, and shows that you do not want to change anything in the organization of the project. This fixes success, widens the gap between the weights of shareholders
- the most recommended form is to give those who have distinguished themselves with high marks, and the rest is distributed by weight if you are satisfied with the results of the team's work
- if you are not happy, then one should reward those you are somehow satisfied with, and give the rest equally.
Within the "gratitude account" you can sell "likes" and "respects", and use the money for investment inside the business, if you have extra gratitude and there is no one who deserves it (a drop in the rate of gratitude reduces the weight of the existing elite and accelerates the aging of its weight in general)
No matter how you dispose of your gratitude account, this is your right and guarantee of successful work of the system as a whole.  Freedom of will is the fundamental principle of EGra - no one has the right to reproach you for how you disposed of your gratitude and where you directed your investments.
(For a deep understanding of the social structure of EGra, one can speak of a specialized, synthetic and dual structure of weight:
  • specialized weight, this is when one of the dimensions is much higher than the rest (rich, respected, beloved)
  • dual weight - numbers in two dimensions much higher than the third
  • synthetic weight, this is when all measurements are similar
 Each of these categories will have a pronounced type of preferences in decision making)

We studied financial algorithms for the weight formation, employee acceptance and dismissal, subordination and specialization, corporatization and the possibilities of the threshold system. The more specific application of EGra's principles strongly depends on what exactly you want to translate into these principles, and where. But in general, in its essence, the Economy of Gratitude can exist only as a computer social network, but what exactly tasks this network will serve - it depends on the specific practice. While there are several common, already known "best practices" for a business enterprise:
  •  Suppose you are the owner of a large business and want to try EGra. How to do it? Concrete legal work on the implementation of these principles in the statutory and financial documents is the business of your team, but in principle it is necessary to achieve such an effect that at first "like nothing happened." Every employee of an enterprise must be given so much bonds that when receiving a profit, she will receive approximately her salary, and the gratitudes will be credited to the accounts of all equally - the serious changes will begin with time. That is, at the time of transition, the employee's salary is, as it were, replaced by an "equivalent" number of X years auto-shift bonds that are calculated based on the average income of the enterprise for the last 12 months.
  • One of the problems of a real organization is taxation, as many countries impose a high tax on any profit. In this case, you can reperesent the income for "love and respect" as a bonus, and the whole system - as a way of paying this bonus - but in general, how to adapt the system for your specific case is the matter of knowing local laws and your creativity.
  • Theoretically, for some time it is possible to combine the availability of hired personnel and "working shareholders", but, for the stability of the system, it is necessary to achieve a uniform composition
  • You can not allow other types of cash awards other than "profit" (compensation for purchases and insurance is costs)
  • Licenses and scientific titles are also not an excuse for direct payments. People should respect your license or rank through thanksgiving.
12. Merger of EGra enterprises and distribution of the system
The old problem of hierarchical control systems - the larger the system, the bigger its bureaucratism, when the costs grow, and the quality of decision-making falls - this problem has been considered by hundreds of researchers of the 20th and 21st centuries, but has not been completely solved - the hierarchy works best in small business , where "the distance from the owner" is small.
EGra is a heterarchic system, the opposite of the hierarchy, and this model has an amazing property - it is not very suitable for a small enterprise, but the larger the system, the better the results will be displayed by EGra. That is, as soon as it being born and having achieved success in anything, such a system will have tremendous opportunities for internal growth and expansion . Moreover - mergers and increases are extremely beneficial to virtually all shareholders.
In everyday life, your politeness and charisma often actually disappear into the void - but EGra takes into account the fact that you are loved more than others and increases your weight. In such a system, it is much more interesting to work, since there are a lot of opportunities to "make a career". Moreover, EGra will automatically elevates the altruists, people who do much for others - while it will lower social status of egoists, gossips lovers, and envious people - the larger the team, the less "average" gratitude and more people will be around, and the more precise EGra's algorithm will work.
The evaluation of "all by all" with the help of securities is in fact a rather strict form of self-organization - being liked by everyone and being respected by everybody , is a feasible, but difficult task, since you are forced to work so, that others approve of you.
Imagine for a moment - it is almost impossible in EGra to hire someone "through connections" (what a horror for the children of the modern elite!) - it's useless, because the team will quickly figure out who is needed and who is not. There is another amazing feature of EGra organization - merging of profitable businesses is easy and profitable for all participants. How it's done?

Just like when merging modern businesses - the parties negotiate the value of each other through negotiations, this is the most important thing, and a fair recalculation of the weights of all participants is a matter of simple technic.
After that, the merger of enterprises is absolutely painless and organic - for example, all Ford and GM factories are practically the same, de facto constantly exchanging specialists, and most of these enterprises already belong to the pension funds owned by the workers of these enterprises. Their merger based on EGra could qualitatively improve almost all indicators, but here we can meet the objection that this is monopolization.
The fact is that the theory of capitalism requires the presence of competition, used for finding the "best" in a direct, Darwinian sense. This is a rather long and costly method of locating the winner, similar to natural selection in nature - but for lack of anything better, the governments of all modern countries have special antimonopoly commissions to encourage this competition.
In EGra, the desire for quality and competition are built from within - therefore no external competition for EGra enterprises is needed, although it is undoubtedly useful, and it is for natural monopolies that such an organization is the best, because hierarchical giants stagnate in their development almost instantly, are easily bureaucratized, and then the costs for the most common projects are multiplied.
Let's say that your big business, organized as EGra, needs to have its own dining room - this task is best solved by absorption - if you buy a nearby restaurant, then everyone who works there will depend directly on your gratitude. Ordinary restaurant business, even well-motivated by competitors and incomes, is always limited by the number of visitors.
For the restaurant chef, the opportunity to be a full-fledged shareholder makes it possible to earn likes and respects in many different ways, which is much more promising than feeding random passers-by whose admiration for your dish will mean a little biger tip and only - they simply do not have the opportunity to evaluate it correctly, so as in human society there is no money for measuring admiration.
In EGra, the chef will cook the best things - this is in his and your interests. A high reputation always forces its owner to cherish it, especially if your income from this directly depends. And in fact, everyone in EGra is put in the same conditions as the said "cook" - they push the best workers to the top.

Thus, almost any business that your growing EGra company will buy will be optimized and reorganized in the best way - which naturally will increase productivity and quality - it is amazing that this will happen by itself. You can even determine the cycle - take a loan, buy up a large and costly business, upgrade and reorganize in EGra, increase profits, reserve the money and buy an insurance for repaying a loan - repeating the cycle. If you are an experienced businessman, then this is quite real.
Hierarchical businesses, especially large ones, stagnate with years along with the owners, since there is no change in the elite inside - rather, a slow negative selection takes place. It touched all the famous companies, even in the IT sector - IBM, for example.
In heterarchy, on the contrary, the larger the company EGra, and the longer it exists, the healthier and more intelligent its elite, as the process of "thanksgiving" for work is constantly improve the elite and talented folks "pop up". So, the total revenues will increase for everyone - that's why everyone is interested in enlarging the company - more incomes. But even more important are the social structures inside and the opportunities for the participant - especially in the large network (after all, you can even travel working if no one objects.)

EGra is absolutely organic for financial organizations of any kind and will work perfectly in the financial sphere, and the more complex the problems solved by financiers, the better efficiency will be shown by the system. Large scientific technical organizations, like NASA, are also perfectly suited for "Egra-zation" and significant optimization. And this is especially important for scientific organizations - to have the smartest people "upstairs", and not "downstairs", as it often happens today. Huge sports enterprises, such as NFL, today have a complex, multistage, hierarchical structure with entangled contracts - translating them to EGra could give very good results.
(The translation of the whole state to the principles of EGra is quite complex, but  feasible task.The point is that even all issues of social insurance are completely solved through compassion of others, because if everyone around has enough "likes" and "respects", then the one, who really needs help, will receive them - and as the gratitude slowly fades in time, it turns out that in this way the society itself will keep track of its needy, only as necessary. No need to formalize the "sick days" - the sympathy of others expressed in monetary terms, is your compensation, and with the help of specialized weight and thresholds management, you can build almost any social institution, including education.)
13. EGra’s Network
Let's take the example of how to self-organize in the style of EGra, if you want to create software for EGra.
First you need to simulate the functionality of the system "for yourself" - it's pretty simple to do, using the software of any free network, which is more than enough today, "sewing" the necessary functionality through agreements - for example, if you decide to use facebook, you can agree count "likes", "respects" with the help of the "emotions" of this popular site - it's not very convenient, but it will work.
The more people respond to your calls to develop EGra, the better - by uniting everyone in the group, you need jointly assess the first stage of your company's life for a certain amount (and a certain number of people) similar to how much this development might costs, and release 30 years bonds for this amount. The gratitudes  and bonds , for the first time, should be given out to everyone equally, to "thanksgiving" accounts, but as a small part of this amount - to start from.

Please note that bonds should also be credited to "thanksgiving" accounts - the specificity of remote programming is that everyone in the field has to spend their own funds for technical delicacies, which your team should evaluate, and compensate you for the costs by giving you the company's bonds - you can and must report such costs, but no one can demand gratitude.
Further, everyone has the right to put forward any project models for financing. In the process of real work, the distribution of gratitude and investing in these projects will begin. Here it is worthwhile using the method of half cutting off those projects that have gained less money and refinancing exempted investments - especially if for all projects there are not enough.
In the process of discussing projects and proposals for a strategy, participants must give out all the gratitude and bonds to each other. This will make up the initial weight, on which the developers themselves must put the entry threshold - all who are above the entry threshold is a new team of working shareholders - others are the reserve. After that, you need to distribute the next portion of gratitude, by weight, between the workers only and you can start normal work.
It is in the interest of EGra to use "open source" because those businesses that will switch to this system will enter your network at some point anyway , and provide the monetary meaning to your bonds, issued for the development of software, but the software itself should worth these bonds - meeting high standards of the banking system and allowing to issue all the necessary bonds, as electronic currencies of the blockchain.

Why does this work better, even if you produce open source?
Those who are seriously engaged in Egra, sooner or later, will be with you - this is on the one hand, and on the other - the contribution of each programmer is taken into account, therefore it is not only interesting but also profitable to work - even in open source. However, it should be remembered that the issue of uncoated bonds is a rather risky technique, as during a merger, businesses should bring their bonds to the market value of the enterprise, reducing them proportionally if necessary, and theoretically there may be a situation when the argument "this software is too expensive " arise - this is overcome with the help of negotiations and a strictly financial regime when issuing the unsecured securities.
On the other hand, it is extremely beneficial for all EGra businesses to network, so it is very important for us to compare the properties of hierarchical networks and how to create something similar in heterarchy.

The majority of modern networked businesses are created through the separation of property rights. So McDonald's finds itself another restaurant, concludes with the owner a profit sharing agreement, giving him its marketing and recipes - this way,  another fast food eatery with its external and internal standards is created - this is a typically hierarchical structure, clumsy and slow because it always needs to divide interests - the main headquarters of McDonald's separates its profit and responsibility from restaurants, in each restaurant its positions and hired personnel, watched by co-owner. All this is a typical picture of the separation paradigm of production in which all processes and interests are divided for easy management and minimization of risks.
And technically speaking, it's a prison if we speak in terms of the degree of freedom of the worker.
In EGra, profit is always united. Any business that joins a common network, like a river flowing into the sea, loses its entity and independence - however, upon joining, the general principle remains - the profits of all participants should remain the same, even with a change in weight. For example, if the network EGra brings 40% per annum, and the incoming business has about 60%, then the incoming weight is changed so that the next distribution of net profit, they received real money as much as they had before the merger. At the same time, if the calculations are made correctly, then the income of network participants should not change, although the weight can undergo substantial restructuring.
If a business becomes unprofitable, or for whatever reason, shareholders may choose to close an enterprise in EGra - but that does not mean that the workers will be fired. Moreover - it is not connected at all. Mass layoffs can be made only by raising the exit threshold (and probably the enter too), while liquidating unprofitable businesses and dead-end business ideas is the duty of each shareholder.
(Dismissal is not beneficial to anyone, since the dismissed person retains all of his remaining weight, and therefore his profit. Therefore, any dismissal is always an extreme case)
Freedom of movement within the EGra network gives professionals the opportunity to concentrate their efforts, as necessary - for example, IT professionals will be able to gain gratitude at the work of communication of different business systems, appearing at different enterprises, as working like contractors - when necessary. This is a great way to extend the "circle of assessment" - and the wider this circle, the greater the likelihood of gratitude. Everyone will be there, where one needs and when you need it - because that's how you get the gratitudes.
A hierarchical network is a frozen conglomeration of businesses that are alien to each other, united only by one title, and the EGra network will have a multitude of diverse production facilities that are constantly exchanging friendly personnel - as and when required.
Therefore, EGra software development can become a very serious career investment for any IT specialist.
14. EGra and Capitalism
 If you look attentively at the history of monetary relations of the 18-20 centuries, you will notice how more developed monetary systems are buying up and redoing for themselves, the economic enclaves of less developed regions. Why is this happening?
Money is an abstraction reflecting the realities of commodity exchange, and the more processes in society are monetized, the deeper the common market - a developed system can have fewer people, but more money, which allows it to accumulate them easily , buying up the values ​​of smaller monetary systems.
(For example, the United States has much less population than India, but much more money because the mass of Indian peasants are not involved in industrial exchange and are engaged in subsistence farming. Switzerland is the "deepest" market in the world for the beginning of the 21st century. )
By monetizing human gratitude, EGra, by the size of the money market, is three times "deeper" than ordinary capitalism, so every dollar invested in EGra increases its total weight by 3 dollars - as soon as the size of the gratitude economy becomes sufficient for reliable self-lending , the old capitalist systems will be quickly bought up.
15. EGra and Communism
It is interesting that EGra, although it does not offer universal equality, as the founders of communism prophesied, but embodies their old principle "from each according to ability, to each according to needs" - and indeed, you will do everything in your abilities, deserving of gratitude from others , and if you have a need, then there is someone who will help you in hope to deserve your gratitude - after all, only in EGra, your gratitude is worth something.
Moreover, the larger the network, the more real opportunities for your success, as the expansion of the system increases the degree of freedom of participants, which in fact is the highest need of everyone - a harmonious environment for the realization of personal talents, which can be called a natural state.

Vladimir Melamed , Canada 2017 © All rights reserved

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